Episode 9 is for All You Zoom Warriors

In March of 2020 the world changed drastically. People got scared, governments panicked, and businesses shut down.

There was a significant shift for millions of people: Our homes became our offices and online meeting etiquette became a vital skill.  

Suddenly, all the hip, progressive, hybrid or completely work-from-home companies like Basecamp were raising an eyebrow and saying, “Ah… welcome to the party, y’all.”

With the change in venue, a new set of realities and responsibilities emerged – like how to act in a Zoom meeting. Two years later we’ve gotten it down, but that doesn’t mean we don’t need regular reminders.

Thankfully, Habitly is here to help with Episode 9: Lights, Camera, Action! 

Behind Episode 9

We’re so excited to release this episode. It is inspired by a request from one of our subscribers, Anne, who asked the Habitly team to explore this topic a little further. She said, “A good topic to cover might be videoconferencing etiquette. We’ve had to remind our guys not to eat right next to their mic, abide by dress code, etc.” Little did she know, she had raised an excellent point.

When we explored the topic of online meeting etiquette more, we found a plethora of examples (even in our own meetings!) where habits, behaviors, and soft skills could be improved. In a world with more online meetings than ever before, manners are more important than ever before. Go figure? And while flubbing videoconferencing etiquette might not qualify as egregious, we’ve all been distracted by the kinds of common missteps Anne and many other business owners have struggled to address.

One Key Takeaway for Your Next Online Meeting

In this episode, Jennifer and her catering team are having their first online meeting ever with a big potential client. They’re excited, but they only have a limited amount of time to prepare.

When their potential client arrives in the meeting, the suspense is tangible… and they end up making every mistake in the book.

Can they get it together in time to save the relationship and earn the client’s business? Subscribe to Habitly and find out!

The key takeaway from this episode is to present yourself professionally in online meetings. We might be working from home, but we’re still working! Don’t get taken in by the Instagram videos of celebrities filming remote interviews in boxer shorts. Those people are just showing off. Instead, you should be well groomed, well-dressed, and showing up to your online meetings looking like a competent professional. And, don’t forget to be fully present, listening to your colleagues with your full attention.

Mind Your Ps and Qs

The remote workplace requires a fresh take on how we engage. Why not make the best of it? One way to do that is to remember that you might be confined to a small box on a screen, but that doesn’t mean you’re not being seen.

So, remember your manners, impress your coworkers and clients, and practice good online meeting etiquette.

Sign up for Habitly to check out Episode 9.


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